Welcome Back
Firstly, I would like to wholeheartedly welcome all our students back to face-to-face learning! It has been so exciting to see everyone again. Congratulations to all students, parents and carers, and staff on such a smooth and successful transition!
Over the past two weeks, we have had a considered focus on wellbeing and ensuring that students regain a feeling of safety, belonging and positivity about being at school. New routines have begun to feel familiar and past routines are beginning to feel normal again.
Teachers have started doing assessments to see where students are in their learning, and to know where to take them next. These assessments so far have proven that Remote Learning at MOPS has been a success, and we have seen evidence of learning and improvement in many areas. At Mount Ousley, we are not approaching being back at school with a mindset of 'catching up' on content, and this would indeed be a problematic view - as if students can somehow suddenly learn faster. We choose to continue to focus on quality teaching and learning, teaching students at their level and making sure every child is constantly encouraged and empowered to continue to achieve to their potential. Your teachers will be in touch soon to discuss your child's learning and progress.
Parent / Teacher Interviews
Usually at the end of Term 1, we conduct parent/teacher interviews to discuss your child and their learning. This is a conversation where we aim to ensure that you are part of the team - a partnership between parent, teacher and student in your child's learning and development. We are committed to making sure these conversations still happen. As we cannot conduct these face-to-face due to COVID-19 restrictions, your child's teacher will be contacting you soon with details of a phone or Zoom meeting. (Unfortunately, also due to the restrictions, we will be unable to conduct our student-led conferences this year which would normally happen at the end of this term.)
Semester 1 reports this year will be coming home in Term 3 Week 6. We made the decision to take advantage of the extended parameters set by NSW Department of Education to lengthen the reporting period. We felt that to report on the period of remote learning and to rush reports out by the end of Term 2, would not be equitable or meaningful. We look forward to sharing these valuable reflections on learning with you next term.
The Parents and Citizens Association meets on the 2nd Tuesday evening of every month. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are unable to meet in the regular way. The executive members of the P&C will instead meet to discuss any ideas and concerns, and make plans for moving forward during this time. They are still very keen to hear from you! Please address any agenda items you would like discussed to the new MOPS P&C email:- MOPSPandC@gmail.com After their meeting next Tuesday evening, the Executive will report back to the whole school community, which will also be posted here on our website. Thanks to the P&C for your ongoing support of our school!
School Road Safety
Thank you to our whole community for making our drop-off and pick-up routines a success. Our staggered pick-up times have reduced the number of people at our gates and cars parked outside our school entrances at any one time in the afternoons. Having staff on duty has certainly made things safer at the crossings as well, although the road safety around our school's entrances is still a concern for me. I strongly urge parents not to stop in the 'No Stopping' zones, as this makes the visibility of children for other drivers very difficult and dangerous.
Last week, we applied to Council for modifications to the McGrath Street crossing including better signage and a raised (wombat) crossing. The results so far have been that the raised crossing was deemed not possible due to the proximity of private driveways, but extra signage will be installed (see planned signs below). A request has also been submitted to Transport for NSW to install a repeat School Sign as you turn right from Pankhurst Ave and head towards the school crossing. In addition, we have made an application to Transport NSW for School Crossing Coordinators on both crossings. I will keep you posted on the progress.
Thank you
Thank you MOPS Community for your continued support and kindness. Thank you to the lovely parent who sent 'staff appreciation' pizzas to the school for lunch last week! It was such a heartwarming gesture.
As always... stay safe, stay well and stay connected.
Tiffany Sinton - Relieving Principal