Mount Ousley Public School

A small school with big opportunities

Telephone02 4285 4211

Religion and ethics

NSW public schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics, delivered by approved providers wherever available.

During enrolment, you can choose a special religious education option for your child from the school’s available approved providers. You can withdraw your child from special religious education by selecting alternative meaningful activities, or special education in ethics if it’s available.

You can update your preference by writing to the school or through the online form available at participating schools.
Visit the department’s website for more information about religion and ethics. 

SRE and Ethics Classes at Mount Ousley Public School

These are held once a week by visiting instructors. 

Special religious education (SRE) refers to education in the beliefs and practices of an approved religious persuasion. At Mount Ousley, our SRE options are Catholic, Protestant and Islamic. 

Special Education in Ethics (SEE)  refers to education in ethical decision making, action and reflection within a secular framework, based on a branch of philosophy. Ethics is offered across all stages within our school.