What is the daily routine at Mount Ousley Public School?
Mornings at Mount Ousley PS begin with our gates opening at 8:30am. There is no supervision before this time, so please arrive after 8:30am to ensure the safety of your child / children.
The morning learning session is from 9:00 -11:00am.
All classes have a Crunch and Sip break every day during the morning session - usually around 10:00am. Students are encouraged to bring small pieces of fruit or vegetables to eat during this time.
Lunch is first at Mount Ousley and begins at 11:00am for supervised eating time, then 11:10am for playtime. Lunch finishes at 11:40am, with an ‘end of lunch’ bell indicating that students should meet their teachers at their class lines.
The middle learning session is from 11:40 - 1:10pm.
Recess is in the afternoon, beginning with supervised eating at 1.10pm, and playtime at 1:20pm. Recess finishes at 1:40pm, with an ‘end of recess’ bell indicating that students should rejoin their teachers at their class lines.
The afternoon learning session is from 1:40 - 3:00pm.
The bell for the end of the day rings at 3:00pm. Parents are invited to wait in the central quad, on the grass near the equiptment or on the hall verandah. Older students can walk or ride home as instructed by their parents. Entry to our school is via Vereker or McGrath Streets.
What day will my child have sport?
The whole school will have a designated sport day which will be communicated to parents at the beginning of each term. It may change, depending on the sport and availability of any visiting coaches.
Classes will also have their own PE days which will be communicated to parents by your class teacher via Seesaw and our "Meet The Teachers" afternoon at the beginning of the year.
Will my child be involved in a school excursion or incursion?
Each year, groups of students or classes will attend an out-of-school excursion or an in-school incursion, dependent on the units of work being covered at school, curriculum requirements or appropriate supported learning.
Will my child have access to the Library?
Each class will have a library lesson each week, where students are able to borrow books for take-home reading. Students are also permitted to spend time in the library one lunchtime each week.
Does Mount Ousley PS have a uniform shop?
We have a fully stocked uniform shop, selling both new and quality second hand uniforms. The uniform shop is voluntarily run by members of the P&C. The opening hours change each year, and it is best to check with the school office for opening hours before attending. The uniform shop is located outside the entrance to the canteen.
What is Best Start?
Best Start is one component of a NSW Government initiative to increase literacy and numeracy learning support in the early years. Knowing that children come with a wide range of experiences, Best Start provides teachers with a continuum to help ensure that we are teaching your child what they need to learn next. Through the Best Start process, teachers learn about each child’s school entry skills and understanding in literacy and numeracy. The Best Start assessment is individual and usually takes place within the first five weeks of Kindergarten. Teachers ask a series of questions to gather information about children’s initial literacy and mathematical knowledge. This important information supports teachers in meeting children’s individual learning needs. All Kindergarten children undertake Best Start.
What are the six Key Learning Areas (KLAs)?
The six major Key Learning Areas that your child will receive outcomes-based instruction in will include:
English, Mathematics, Science & Technology, History, Geography, Creative Arts (Music, Drama, Dance, Visual Arts) and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
What if I have trouble getting my child to school?
If you have trouble getting your child to school, please talk to their teacher or any of our friendly office staff to access support.
What if I am planning a holiday during the school term?
So much important learning occurs every day, and it is often difficult to catch up learning gaps as a result of extended absences. Understandably, some families need to take their holiday break during term time because of work commitments and leave restrictions. Ideally though, it is beneficial if the disruption to your child’s school routine is kept to a minimum throughout the year. However, if you are planning an extended vacation during the term, an application will need to be completed and submitted to the School Principal.
What do I do if my child is absent?
Upon your child’s return to school after any absence, a written explanation detailing the reason why your child was not at school is required for the school’s attendance records. (This is a mandated legal requirement in all schools.) This can be completed through our Schoolbag App, via a phone call to the office, a Seesaw message to your child’s teacher or a handwritten note.
What happens if my child becomes unwell at school?
If your child starts to feel unwell during the school day, their classroom teacher will send them to the office with a buddy so that the First Aid Officer can assess their condition. Often, they will spend some time resting in the sick bay. Sometimes the child will be sent back to class after an appropriate amount of time if their condition improves. If your child is clearly unwell or is in distress, the emergency contact listed on your child’s records will be called. In the case of a more serious emergency, an ambulance will be called first, followed by the parents or legal guardians.
What can I do to support my child’s literacy learning?
- Talk with your child at every opportunity
- Read aloud to your child
- Talk with your child about what they have read
- Make reading FUN!
What can I do to support my child’s numeracy learning?
- Count things together
- Talk about numbers and maths you see in the environment
- Often there is more than one way to get an answer. Focus on exploring with numbers creatively (How many different ways might we solve it?)
- Strongly encourage the process, more than just getting the right answer
- Make maths FUN!
What if I am running late or afternoon pick-up arrangements change?
Please try to be on time to pick up your child. Your face is the one they want to see the most at the end of the day. If you can’t be there, please arrange for someone who can. Always contact the school office to let them know if you are running late or if afternoon arrangements change. The school has an Out of School Hours Care service located in our school hall. This is a paid service which can be arranged and booked through Camp Australia. In emergency circumstances where you cannot make alternative arrangements and you are going to be more than a few minutes late, you should contact Camp Australia and organise for your child to attend the service that afternoon.
What do I do if my child is having a problem at school?
If your child is coming home from school with worries or concerns, try and talk to them about what is happening. If you need to talk to someone from school, the best person to contact first is your child’s classroom teacher. They have more ideas and understandings about what is happening each day in your child’s life at school and may be able to assist you with solving the problem and getting to the bottom of any issues. If you feel the problem goes beyond the classroom teacher, the next person to contact is an Assistant Principal - Michelle Kaim or Jessica Kemp or Rebecca Kerron or the Principal, Emily Jones. Please contact the office to arrange an appointment with teachers or executive staff.
What equipment and stationery supplies do I need to provide my child for school?
At Mount Ousley Public School, we do not ask parents to provide any stationery supplies. We do suggest that families provide their child with an iPad. If you are, we feel (and appreciate immensely) that you are already contributing so much. We therefore do not ask for the usual school supplies, such as pencils, glue, scissors, etc. We provide all of these to students free of charge.
What kinds of extra-curricular activities are offered to my child at Mount Ousley Public School?
At Mount Ousley Public School, we are proud to offer a variety of creative, sporting, high potential and gifted and social-emotional opportunities. While some are targeted at particular ages and stages, some are available K-6.
- Band (with teachers from the Wollongong Conservatorium)
- Music (every class K-6 - fortnightly - with teachers from the Wollongong Conservatorium)
- Southern Stars (dance - offered to Stages 2 and 3) - Term 3 each year.
- Tournament Of Minds (Stage 3)
- Game Changers (Stage 2)
- Food Forest (offered through a lunchtime club as well as class projects)
- Sports Carnivals (K-6 - athletics, cross country; Y2-6 - swimming; District & Regional Carnivals)
- Gala Days (Stage 2 and 3 - team sports opportunities)
- Opportunities to try out for regional representative sporting teams