24 May 2020

Dear MOPS Community,
In light of the decision by the NSW Premier last week to jump to a 5 day return, we have been working hard at MOPS to ensure we can continue to provide safe conditions at school for all.
Thank you for understanding that our aim is always to take care of others and not to intentionally inconvenience anyone. Some of the new protocols mean a few changes to timetables and the ways we work. But we are all being flexible in order to protect our community.
Physical distancing procedures
- Staggered lunches and recesses so that K-2 and 3-6 eat and play at separate times.
- Staggered pick-up times - K at 2:30pm, Years 1-2 at 2:45pm and Years 3-6 at 3:00pm. Please understand that we are trying to limit large numbers leaving through the bottle-neck gates at the same time, so we appreciate your help in this. If you really can't find a way around this and need your child to wait for their siblings, please let their class teachers know.
- The furniture in classrooms has been moved around to create separate work spaces for students.
- We have split the school into 2 wings - the 3-6 wing and the K-2 wing. 3/4 Unique has moved across to the Innovation Zone for this period. The 3-6 teachers will use the existing staffroom, while we have transformed the Chillout Zone in the K-2 wing into a K-2 staffroom. Mrs Hamers wil teach Innovation and Library to K-2, while Mr Green will teach Innovation and Library to 3-6. These measures are to limit the number of people any teacher or student comes into contact with.
Enhanced hygiene procedures
- Connie has been employed additional hours in order to clean surfaces and touch points throughout the day and between sessions.
- Any cloth furnishings have been removed from classrooms due to the difficulty in keeping them clean, and only surfaces that can easily be wiped down with disinfectant remain.
- Devices may not be shared.
- Teachers are building multiple handwashing and sanitising times into the day, especially before and after break and eating times.
- Hand sanitiser and wipes available in every classroom and around hallways.
- Any children presenting with sniffles, cough or temperature will be sent home. Please keep your child at home if they are sick.
- At this stage, we cannot ensure enhanced hygiene procedures in the canteen, and therefore it will remain closed until those measures are in place. The P&C is currently working on this. Please contact the school if you are willing to help out.
Limited number of adults onsite
- Only teachers on duty, deliveries and workers are permitted onsite. No unessential visitors will be allowed onsite.
- Parents to continue our Kiss-n-Drop routine, now at both gates.
- There will be teacher supervision at both gates from 8:30 - 9:00am and 2:30 - 3:15pm.
While we put all of these protocols into place at school, we are also relying on all of you to stay safe at home as well and follow the advice of Public Health authorites. Working together, we can ensure the safety of all in our community.
Stay safe and well. Stay connected.
Tiffany Sinton - Relieving Principal