22 May 2020

Dear MOPS Community,
We are now at Phase 3 of our return to school phases. As you are aware, that means that students will return for 5 days per week from Monday. We are all extremely excited to see our students again!
Due to our latest hygiene requirements, we must avoid having unessential visitors on the school site. We will therefore be continuing our Kiss'n'Drop arrangements. We will have staff on duty at both gates. Please try to avoid crowding the entrances and where possible, remain in your car.
Staggered Pick-ups
At this stage, we are going to trial a staggered pick-up for Kindergarten and Stage 1.
Kindergarten students may be picked up at 2:30pm.
Years 1 and 2 may be picked up at 2:45pm.
If these earlier pick-ups are not possible for you, please get in touch with the school, and we will arrange supervision for your child.
Thank you for your understanding. Please don't hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions.
With kind regards,
Tiffany SInton - Relieving Principal